29 de set. de 2014

Hipoplasia medular segmentar múltipla em um felino doméstico

 Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2014. 42(Suppl 1): 41.

Vinicius Gonzalez Peres Albernaz, Andressa Thais Roncoski, Gustavo Dittrich, Liv Cristina Miara & Jorge Luiz Costa Castro

Multiple Segmental Spinal Cord Hypoplasia in a Cat

The nervous system is one of the most affected by congenital malformations. These can occur during neural  tube formation or failed neurogenesis. Segmental spinal cord hypoplasia  commonly involves two or three spinal segments  in the thoracolumbar region. It is characterized by incomplete formation of the spinal cord and may also be followed by  spine column malformations. Clinical signs usually include functional impairment of the hindlimbs. Diagnosis is based  on history, clinical signs, age, radiographs and is confi rmed with necropsy and histopathological fi ndings.  There is no  treatment for this condition and the animals present low life quality. This paper aims to report the clinical, radiographic  and histopathological aspects of multiple segmental spinal cord hypoplasia in a domestic cat.  A 52-days-old, female, Persian breed, domestic cat weighing 0.55 kg was treated presenting a history of pelvic limb  paraplegia associated with urinary and fecal incontinence since birth. On clinical examination there were fl accid paraplegia  of hind limbs associated with absence of proprioception, anal refl ex and tone and postural defi cits. Also, all spinal reflexes  of pelvic limbs and deep and superfi cial pain were absent. There was no clinical history of muscular tremors, nystagmus,  seizures or other central nervous system signs. The other animals of the litter showed no apparent changes. Radiographic examination of the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral region showed enlargement of the spinal cord canal extending from the caudal portion of L1 to L7 and fl attening of the dorsal and ventral blades. It was observed that the height of the L5 spinal canal, the larger dilatation site, was about 300% higher than the cranial portion of L1, considered the last normal segment. Due to low life quality, the animal was euthanized and samples were collected. Histopathological examination showed neuronal loss in the gray matter, thickening of the dura mater and loss of defi nition of gray and white matter, confirming the diagnosis of spinal segmental hypoplasia in multiple regions of the spinal cord

26 de set. de 2014

Síndrome de Haw em Gatos

 Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2014. 42(Suppl 1): 45

Luis Felipe Dutra Corrêa,  Sérgio Santalucia,  Marília Teresa de Oliveira,  Fernando Wiecheteck de Souza, Virginea Heinze Pohl,  João Pedro Scusssel Feranti,  & Maurício Veloso Brun, 

 Haw’s syndrome is an uncommon but underdiagnosed disease that affects cats. It occurs due to changes in the innervation of the third eyelid causing protrusion. These changes may occur due to some change in sympathetic innervation efferent to the eye and its annexes The diagnosis is based on the instillation of sympathomimetic agents. The palliative treatment is based on the instillation of sympathomimetic agents only if the protrusion is preventing eyesight. The aim of this study is to report the clinical management of three cats with this syndrome, emphasizing its clinical, diagnostic and treatment demonstration. Three cats were referred to the Department of Ophthalmology Veterinary of the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), two with undefi ned breeds (male and female) and a Siamese (male), aged between 2 and 4 years, with bilateral protrusion of the third eyelid. The owners reported that the animals ate well, were active and did not observe any other problems concomitantly, with the exception of diarrhea In one of the animals a week ago, but that had passed. The animals underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination where they were evaluated since the symmetry orbits until intraocular pressure, Schirmer tear test, fl uorescein test and lissamine green, without any obvious change, with values within the normal range for the species, except for the bilateral protrusion of the third eyelid was the only clinical sign present. In the fundoscopic exam no apparent changes were observed, with the optic nerve head and retinal vasculature normal for the species. All patients received instillation of 10% phenylephrine in the left eye, with total regression of the third  eyelid to its anatomical position. As it was an isolated problem, without visual or systemic  repercussions, no medication was prescribed, although the animals kept coming for revisions weekly for 60 days. After 47 days, on average, the third eyelid returned to its anatomical position.

22 de set. de 2014

Anestesia epidural na cirurgia descompressiva lombossacral de cães

E.A. Tudury 1 , T.H.T. Fernandes 2 *, M.L. Figueiredo 2 , B.M. Araújo2 , M.A. Bonelli 2 , A.C. Silva 2 , C.R.O. Santos 3
1Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco -UFRPE - Recife, PE
2Alunos de pós-graduação - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE - Recife, PE
3Aluna de graduação - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco -UFRPE - Recife, PE

 Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. vol.66 no.3 Belo Horizonte June 2014

Objetivou-se avaliar viabilidade, eficácia, vantagens e desvantagens da anestesia epidural lombossacral, junto à anestesia geral inalatória, em cirurgias de descompressão da cauda equina, tendo em vista que essas cirurgias são procedimentos longos e dolorosos. Para isso, foram utilizados 11 cães adultos com sinais clínicos de síndrome da cauda equina, que foram submetidos à anestesia geral inalatória e deixados no estágio anestésico mais superficial. Depois, realizou-se a anestesia epidural em seis dos 11 pacientes, por punção espinhal em L7-S1, com bupivacaína a 0,5%. Os parâmetros fisiológicos (cardíacos, vasculares, respiratórios, temperatura corporal e glicemia) foram aferidos antes da medicação pré-anestésica, 10 minutos após esta, 30 minutos depois da epidural, depois da laminectomia, assim como após 60 minutos e 90 minutos da epidural, tanto no grupo com epidural como naquele sem esta (controle). Os animais que possuíam bloqueio epidural apresentaram redução significativa no consumo de anestésico inalatório e no tempo de extubação, não apresentando déficits neurológicos causados pela anestesia epidural, quando comparados com o grupo-controle. Conclui-se que a técnica de anestesia epidural é eficiente e vantajosa na realização de cirurgias descompressivas lombossacrais, pois proporciona menor risco anestésico para o animal.
Palavras-Chave: cauda equina; bloqueio anestésico; analgesia

The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages of lumbosacral epidural anesthesia with inhalational anesthesia in surgical decompression of the cauda equina, since this surgery has a lengthy and painful recovery from anesthesia. For this, 11 adult dogs which showed clinical signs of cauda equina syndrome were used. After the epidural, anesthesia in six of 11 patients, spinal tap in L7-S1, with bupivacaine 0.5% anesthetic was used. Physiological parameters (heart, vascular, respiratory and body temperature) were measured before, 10 minutes after, and 30 minutes after the epidural, after the laminectomia and 60 minutes and 90 minutes after the epidural, both in the epidural group and the control group. Animals that had ep showed a significant reduction in consumption of inhaled anesthetic and time of extubation. There were no neurological deficits caused by epidural anesthesia compared with the group without epidural anesthesia. It was concluded that the epidural anesthesia technique is effective in lumbosacral decompression surgeries, leading to a lower risk for the anesthetized animal.
Key words: cauda equina; anesthesia; analgesia

20 de set. de 2014

Mielografia lombar no diagnóstico de extrusão do disco intervertebral toracolombar em cães: estudo prospectivo

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 35, n. 4, p. 1871-1880, jul./ago. 2014

Lumbar myelography in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar  intervertebral disk extrusion in dogs: prospective study

Paulo Vinicius Tertuliano Marinho, Bruno Watanabe Minto, Carolina Camargo Zani, Érica Siqueira de Souza, Nathália Helena Pereira da Silva Dal Pietro, João Augusto Leonel de Souza, Júlio Carlos Canola, Andrigo Barboza De Nardi

Resumo:A extrusão do disco toracolombar é a causa mais comum de compressão extradural da medula espinhal em cães. A mielografia é uma das técnicas mais comumente realizadas para o diagnóstico desta afecção. Objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade e efetividade da técnica de mielografia lombar no diagnóstico de extrusão do disco intervertebral toracolombar em cães, bem como suas principais complicações. Foram utilizados 20 animais que ao exame neurológico apresentaram localização da lesão na região toracolombar e que tiveram indicação de mielografia como método diagnóstico complementar e confirmação do diagnóstico de extrusão do disco no trans-operatório. Avaliou-se a precisão do exame na localização e lateralização da lesão, e as complicações associadas ao procedimento. A mielografia lombar teve acurácia de 95% e 60% para a localização e a lateralização da lesão respectivamente, com complicações mínimas.
Abstract: Thoracolumbar disk extrusion is the most common cause of extradural compression of the spinal cord  in dogs. Myelography is one of the most commonly performed techniques for the diagnosis of this  affection. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of lumbar myelography in  the diagnosis of thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion in dogs, as well as its major  complications. Twenty dogs were used in this study. Animals were included when neurological examination suggested thoracolumbar spine lesion, myelography was used as a complementary diagnostic method, and diagnosis of disk extrusion was surgically confirmed. The accuracy of the exam to predict location and lateralization of extruded disk material were evaluated, as well as complications associated to the  procedure. Lumbar myelography exhibited 95% and 60% accuracy for location and lateralization of the lesion, respectively, with minimal complications