Vet. e Zootec. 2014 set.; 21(3): 392-398.
José Paes Oliveira Filho, Peres Ramos Badia, Andreza Pimenta Oliveira, Luis Emiliano Cisneros Álvarez, Jorge Luiz Oliveira Costa
Cranioschisis with meningocele at the parietal region was diagnosed in a 2-day-old calf. At
presentation the animal was standing, attentive and had normal suckling reflex. However, an
ovoid, soft, slightly lateral, bladder-like mass was observed extending from the intercornual
protuberance to the insertion of the nuchal ligament. Physical examination and radiographs
evidenced a deformity of the parietal bone and cranioplasty using a cartilage homograft was
performed in an attempt to correct the bone defect. The calf did well postoperatively until day
nine. However apathy and seizures were present from day 13 leading to death on day 15
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