29 de out. de 2019

Feline lymphoma in the nervous system: pathological, immunohistochemical, and etiological aspects in 16 cats

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 39(6):393-401, June 2019


Lauren S. Mello, Ronaldo V. Leite-Filho , Welden Panziera , Marcele B. Bandinelli , Luciana Sonne , David Driemeier and Saulo P. Pavarini

The pathological, immunohistochemical (IHC), and etiological features of lymphoma involving the nervous system (NS) in cats were analyzed through a retrospective study (2004-2017) in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The NS involvement was observed in 16 (12.2%) of 125 felines with lymphoma. Young cats were mainly affected, with a median of 24 months old. Most cases were secondary central NS lymphoma, whereas in three cats, the NS involvement was primary. IHC revealed 14 (87.5%) FeLV-positive, six FIV-positive, and one FeLV/FIV-negative cats. Distribution of feline lymphoma in the NS was 8/16 in the spinal cord, 7/16 in the brain, and 1/16 in the paravertebral nerves and ganglia (neurolymphomatosis). The lymphoma pattern in the spinal cord was exclusively extradural, often focal (6/8), and located in the lumbar (3/6), sacral (1/6), thoracic (1/6), and cervical segments (1/6). Brain neuroanatomical patterns were: leptomeningeal lymphomatosis (4/7), lymphomatous choroiditis (2/7), and intradural lymphoma (1/7). The feline with primary neurolymphomatosis presented a marked thickening of paravertebral nerves and ganglia from the sacral region. B-cell lymphoma (75%) was often diagnosed, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (11/16) was the main subtype. T-cell lymphoma (25%) was less commonly observed and was classified as peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) (3/16) and T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) (1/16)

Linfoma no sistema nervoso de felinos: aspectos patológicos, imuno-histoquímicos e etiológicos em 16 gatos


Os aspectos patológicos, imuno-histoquímicos (IHQ) e etiológicos do linfoma envolvendo o sistema nervoso de felinos foram analisados através de um estudo retrospectivo (período de 2004-2017) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O envolvimento do sistema nervoso foi observado em 16 (12,2%) dos 125 felinos com linfoma desse estudo e afetou principalmente, jovens com idade mediana de 24 meses. A grande maioria dos casos o linfoma era secundário no sistema nervoso central e somente em três gatos o linfoma foi primário do sistema nervoso. Na IHQ, 14 (87,5%) casos foram positivos para FeLV, seis (37,5%) para FIV, e um foi negativo para ambos. A distribuição do linfoma no sistema nervoso foi em 8/16 felinos na medula espinhal, 7/16 no encéfalo e em 1/16 em nervos e gânglios paravertebrais (neurolinfomatose). Na medula espinhal, o padrão do linfoma foi exclusivamente extradural e frequentemente focal (6/8), localizadas nos segmentos lombares (3/6), sacrais (1/6), torácicos (1/6) e cervicais (1/6). No encéfalo, os padrões neuroanatômicos observados foram: linfomatose leptomeningeal (4/7), coroidite linfomatosa (2/7), linfoma intradural (1/7). No felino diagnosticado com neurolinfomatose primária, foi observado acentuado espessamento dos nervos e gânglios paravertebrais da região sacral. Os linfomas de células de células B (75%) foram os mais frequentes e o principal tipo foi o linfoma difuso de grandes células B (11/16). Os linfomas de células T (25%), menos observados, foram classificados como linfomas de células T periférico inespecífico (3/16) e linfoma linfoblástico T (1/16).

25 de out. de 2019

Neuron-specific enolase as biomarker for possible neuronal damage in dogs with distemper virus

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 39(1):47-51, janeiro 2019


Bruno Cesar Elias , Alice F. Alfieri , Italmar T. Navarro and Lucas A. Gomes

Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is a biomarker of neuronal cell lysis, which demonstrates stability in extracellular fluids such as blood and cerebrospinal fluid. To the authors knowledge there is no research information comparing the use of NSE in dogs with and without encephalitis, putting in evidence the importance of that biomarker to detect neuronal damage in dogs. The objective was to compare the serum NSE levels in dogs with and without encephalitis, and to determine the serum NSE levels in normal dogs. Thirty eight dogs were evaluated, 19 dogs with encephalitis (EG Group) and 19 dogs without encephalitis (CG Group). The criteria for inclusion in the EG Group were presence of neurological signs in more than one part of the CNS (multifocal syndrome) and positive molecular diagnosis for canine distemper virus; for the CG Group were an age between 1 to 7 years and be clinically normal; NSE were measured in serum using an ELISA assay, and the results were compared. In the EG Group the NSE values were higher with significant difference (P=0.0053) when compared with the CG Group. NSE is a biomarker that can be measured in serum samples of dogs to monitor neuronal lesions in encephalitis.

16 de out. de 2019

Leucoencefalite necrosante em um cão Yorkshire do Brasil

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 40, n. 6, suplemento 2, p. 3321-3326, 2019


Alexandre Mendes Amude ; Mônica Vicky Bahr Arias ; Selwyn Arlington Headley ; Ana Paula Frederico Rodrigues Loureiro Bracarense ; Natalino Francisco Silva ; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri

Leucoencefalite necrosante (LEN) é uma condição inflamatória encefálica incomum. A NLE foi descrita em cães da América do Norte, Europa e Ásia, mas, de acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, não há diagnóstico definitivo dessa doença na América do Sul. O objetivo do presente relato foi descrever um caso de leucoencefalite necrosante diagnosticado em um cão do Brasil. A doença é descrita em um cão Yorkshire fêmea de 3,5 anos com apresentação neurológica afetando principalmente o mielencéfalo; o animal veio a óbito, apesar do tratamento médico, e foi submetida a autopsia e avaliação histopatológica. As lesões estavam restritas ao encéfalo e foram caracterizadas por necrose da substância branca e extensa inflamação não-supurativa do neurópilo e presença de grandes manguitos perivasculares; a resposta inflamatória não-supurativa foi caracterizada principalmente por infiltração de linfócitos e histiócitos, e ocasionais plasmócitos e células gitter. Agentes infecciosos não foram detectados por técnicas moleculares e também não foram identificados por colorações histológicas. Este relato representa o primeiro caso de LEN com diagnóstico anatomopatológico no Brasil, demonstrando que esta doença está presente em cães Sul Americanos que sofrem de condições neurológicas. Esta informação é útil para os médicos veterinários no Brasil, levando em consideração que esta doença deve ser considerada como um diagnóstico diferencial quando as causas infecciosas forem excluídas.

Necrotizing leukoencephalitis in a Yorkshire dog from Brazil

Necrotizing leukoencephalitis (NLE) is an uncommon inflammatory condition of brain of dogs, and was described in dogs from North America, Europe, and Asia. Cases of NLE from South America were not located when major data bases were examined. Consequently, this report describes the findings associated with NLE in a Brazilian 3.5-year-old female Yorkshire dog with neurological findings related to the myelencephalon; the dog died, besides medical treatment, and was submitted for autopsy exam and histopathological evaluation. Lesions were restricted to the encephalon and characterized as leukoencephalomalacia with severe non-suppurative inflammation with extensive perivascular cuffing; the non-suppurative inflammation was characterized by influx of lymphocytes and histiocytes, and occasionally plasma cells, and gitter cells. Infectious disease agents were not identified by molecular techniques or visualized with histochemical stains. This report represents the first definitive diagnose of NLE in Brazil, suggesting that this disease may be present in South America dogs suffering from neurological conditions. This knowledge may be useful for veterinarians in Brazil, taking into account that this disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis when infectious causes are excluded.